기사 (19건)
[Two Views]
AI Regulation Law: Is It Too Early in Korea?
경남타임즈(경남대학교) | 2024-03-22 16:25
김태완 기자 | 2023-09-21 16:35
김하늘 기자, 임한비 기자 | 2023-06-21 11:08
[Two Views]
The Wage Peak System: Is It Necessary?
경남타임즈(경남대학교) | 2023-03-13 15:42
정수현 기자 | 2022-09-20 09:50
[Two Views]
Pros on the Existing Law of Criminal Minors
정수현 기자 | 2022-09-20 09:45
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Vaccine Pass, Is It Necessary or Not?
김성은 기자 | 2022-03-22 11:17
옥주원 | 2021-09-27 12:47
정선우 기자 | 2021-09-27 12:44
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COVID-19 Vaccinations in Korea
정선우 기자 | 2021-06-14 12:53
황예준 | 2021-03-11 18:01
전소현 | 2021-03-11 18:00
서윤진 | 2020-12-17 12:54
옥주원 | 2020-12-17 12:53
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Prejudice and Stereotype: Lookism
By Noemi Arramarie Cabrito | 2020-06-12 15:02
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Prejudice and Stereotype : Lookism
황예준 | 2020-06-12 15:01
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Using Nuclear Power Stations: Agree or Disagree
By Akhadov Bilol | 2020-03-14 14:33
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Using Nuclear Power Stations: Agree or Disagree
By Lee Do-hyeon | 2020-03-14 14:32
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Animal Testing: Necessary for Human or Not
이도현 | 2019-05-01 20:40