Korea-Japan Relations: What is the Problem and How Would It Be Solved?
Korea-Japan Relations: What is the Problem and How Would It Be Solved?
  • 김태완 기자
  • 승인 2023.06.21 10:57
  • 댓글 0
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Korea and Japan are geographically close neighbors, but their historical, political, and economic conflicts have created deep-rooted tensions between the two countries. For a long time, tensions have been high between the two countries due to ongoing issues such as forced labor, comfort women, and Dokdo Island. However, there have been continued discussions between the two governments and their citizens in recent years, leading to efforts to improve their relationship. Despite the challenges, progress has been made in promoting dialogue and understanding between the two countries.

Key factors of conflict between Korea and Japan

Compensation for Forced Labor Japan ruled Korea as a colony from 1910 to 1945 and forced many Koreans to work in Japan. The issue of compensation for this forced labor is a significant factor of conflict between Korea and Japan. While Japan claims that it has already completed compensation for Korea through the 1965 Korea-Japan Claims Agreement, South Korea insists that the agreement did not adequately address the issue of forced labor.

Textbook Controversy

Victims of the Japanese colonial period, such as South Korea and China, claim that Japan distorts the history of Japanese colonial period in its textbooks. This is because some Japanese textbooks have inadequate descriptions of the Japanese colonial period or exclude or lightly deal with the cruel actions of the Japanese army at that time. Such historical distortions have become one of the factors that worsen South Korea-Japan relations. Countries affected by Japanese colonial period, including South Korea, demand that the Japanese government acknowledge historical facts and take appropriate measures.

Territorial Dispute over Dokdo

Dokdo is Korean territory. Japan claims that Dokdo is its territory, but this is not recognized under international law. Moreover, some Japanese textbooks mention Dokdo as Japanese territory. South Korea demands that Japan revise the issue of Dokdo in its textbooks and describe it accurately. For this, pressure is being exerted on Japan by the international community. Some Japanese politicians ignore these demands, but this issue continues to be one of the factors that exacerbate tensions between South Korea and Japan. Dokdo, Korea's Easternmost Island

Comfort Women for Japanese Military

The issue of comfort women is based on the historical fact that during the Japanese colonial period, the Japanese army forced women to become sex slaves and used them as comfort women. Such acts are a serious example of women's rights violations and have left numerous victims with wounds and suffering. South Korea recognizes the comfort women issue and demands that the Japanese government conduct a thorough investigation and provide appropriate compensation. The Japanese government has apologized and provided compensation for the comfort women issue in Nevertheless, some victims' organizations and some countries are still complaining about the measures of Japan because they cannot see sincerity in apology and compensation from Japan.

The Yoon administration's efforts to improve Korea-Japan relations and the public's response to them

President Yoon Suk-yeol has been making efforts to improve South Korea-Japan relations recently. He is striving to address Japan's economic retaliation measures and historical issues to pursue the improvement of Korea-Japan relations. However, public reactions to his efforts are mixed. Some citizens view the president's attempts to improve relations with Japan positively, while others criticize his efforts for not yet resolving issues such as Japan's past apologies and compensation. In particular, after Japan implemented economic retaliation measures against South Korea in 2019, there has been an increase in voices criticizing the president's efforts to improve relations with Japan. Therefore, the president's efforts to improve Korea-Japan relations continue to receive mixed reactions. Nevertheless, it is important for the president to continue his efforts to improve relations with Japan.

Opinions of Kyungnam University students on the development of Korea-Japan relations

Opinions in favor of the development of Korea-Japan relations

➊ Expanding economic cooperation: Korea and Japan have many areas in which they can complement each other in future industries and technology. Expanding economic cooperation based on this will benefit both countries. ➋ Revitalizing cultural exchange: Korea and Japan are neighboring countries, and cultural exchanges have taken place naturally. By further activating these exchanges, cultural understanding can be enhanced, and opportunities for mutual benefit can be created. ➌ Regional security and peacekeeping: Korea and Japan are geographically adjacent countries, so it is crucial to maintain regional security and peace. To achieve this, the two countries need close cooperation and communication.

Opinions against the development of Korea-Japan relations

➊ Need to address historical issues: Japan has committed many human rights violations and war crimes while using Korea as a colony in the past. Without Japan's sincere reflection and apology, it is difficult to improve Korea-Japan relations. ➋ Economic conflicts: Korea and Japan are experiencing several economic conflicts, including trade disputes. Economic cooperation between the two countries is difficult unless these conflicts are resolved.

What efforts are needed to improve Korea-Japan relations?


As we know, the core issue between Korea and Japan is the difference in their positions regarding apologies and compensation. The relationship between the two countries is complex, multi-faceted, and often problematic due to the long and troubled history between them. Although efforts have been made in recent years to improve the relationship, Japan's legacy of brutal colonial rule and wartime atrocities continues to cast a long shadow over the relationship between these two neighboring countries. Both countries need to move beyond their colonial history towards a future-oriented, self-determined, and mutually beneficial Korea-Japan relationship, based on mutual respect and friendship. Regarding invasion and human rights violations, it is desirable to clearly acknowledge historical facts, apologize and reflect on the damage, and reach appropriate understanding and agreements in order to move towards a futureoriented relationship.

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