“May the road less paved be the road that you follow.” Jason Mraz – Have It All
“May the road less paved be the road that you follow.” Jason Mraz – Have It All
  • 옥주원
  • 승인 2021.12.20 13:36
  • 댓글 0
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KT Editor

I often listen to songs on YouTube. One day, Jason Mraz’s, ‘Have it All’ appeared on my video recommendation list and I decided to listen to it. I thought about the meaning while listening to the song several times and I was able to realize the real intention of the lyrics. I enjoyed its cheerful melody, so I searched for the lyrics and listened to the song again. It was a song with deep lyrics, full of hope, and positivity; such as living a life realizing the meaning of the word happiness, and always having confidence. Among all the lyrics in the song, one in particular was impressive to me: May the road less paved be the road that you follow. When you usually say words of support, you pray that the road of life is easy and paved with smooth roads. The prayer means that you want the person to live a fun life with a sense of accomplishment even if it is curved and rugged. Come to think of it, I always seem to have chosen easy and safe paths. I often have been registering for the subjects that give me good grades instead of challenging subjects that look exciting even if I am not interested in the content. However, after thinking about the lyrics, I no longer want to live in fear. Even if I may regret my decisions, I want to live a vivid life with fruitful experiences as stated in the lyrics

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