KU Signs an Agreement with Korea New Community Movement Center
KU Signs an Agreement with Korea New Community Movement Center
  • 김태완 기자
  • 승인 2021.12.20 11:33
  • 댓글 0
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KT Reporter

Kyungnam University (KU) announced a mutual agreement with Korea New Community Movement Center (Korea Saemaul Undong Center, KSUC) about the development of joint projects linked to regional innovative growth on October 12, 2021. KSUC offers eco- friendly activities to bring awareness to the environment, social programs to help multicultural families and rural households, and programs for the prevention of disasters. Now, it is trying to make new changes by signing a business agreement with domestic universities in regard with the formation and operation of New Community (Saemaul) clubs. This agreement was made to sympathize with the necessity for mutual cooperation for national and regional development, train talented individuals, and establish a cooperative system with KU. Through this agreement, the two organizations will, also, provide support for the establishment, operation, and management of the Saemaul clubs for students at universities. Plus, they will develop joint projects linking local industries and regional innovation growth. In addition to mutual cooperation, both organizations promised to advance carbon neutrality and global participation by promoting programs related to volunteer activities at home and abroad through KSCU. President Park Jae Kyu said, "It is meaningful to sign this agreement with KSCU, which has been on the path of development of Korea with the people, for regional innovation growth. We will enthusiastically support in fostering talented people who are to lead the national and regional development through cooperation with KSCU.”


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