Age is no guarantee of maturity.
Age is no guarantee of maturity.
  • 경남타임즈(경남대학교)
  • 승인 2022.12.26 11:02
  • 댓글 0
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 Times are changing, and it is no longer appropriate to judge people by age. There are people who are mature even though they are young, and there are people who are not mature even if they are old. Young children can have a wide view of the world. despite their youth, These people are humble about the knowledge they have, and they possess an attitude to learn. By comparison, some older people have a narrow mind opposed to wisdom, and have prejudice against people of the opposite sex and foreigners. The characteristics of these people are that they are self-centered on what they have experienced, and they tend to prioritize their beliefs in everything. Like this, we may have often seen people around us who are mature even though they are young, and people who are not mature even if they are old. But I believe age is no guarantee of maturity. A similar says, “age is just a number, maturity is a choice.” A man of mental maturity means a person who can respect and listen to others well as well as like people who are different from him or her. A mature person is the one who can develop a rapport and an atmosphere that make people around him comfortable anytime and anywhere. Such a mature personality sometimes comes to others as a sense of trust, friendship, love, and respect, and will be an advantage and work as strong point in our lives. We will have to think about others’ positions and listen to them carefully in order to become mature. In addition, we have to take into consideration, have courtesy, and be open-minded toward others. Thus, maturity is not given to us for free with no effort. Instead, we have to make it come true by ourselves.

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