The Opportunity to Read Articles through the Kyungnam Times!
The Opportunity to Read Articles through the Kyungnam Times!
  • 경남타임즈(경남대학교)
  • 승인 2022.12.26 11:04
  • 댓글 0
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 Hello, Kyungnam Times (KT) readers. I'm Lee Sang-jun, a senior in the department of Korean language education. It is an honor to write an article as a reader who has been reading the Kyungnam Times since this year.

 Thanks to the KT, I could read articles about various social problems and topics that occur in the present era, such as BTS suspension of activities, the reason why Pok mon bread is popular in Korea, the launch of Nuri, and the reason why the suicide rate in Korea is increasing, etc. I could relate to these articles because they were concerning the latest news I was interested in. In particular, while reading the Pok mon Bread article I suddenly wanted to eat various character breads such as Pok mon and Keroro which I was not able to enjoy when I was young because I didn't have enough money.

 While attending classes, it is not easy to get news about school. But, thanks to the KT I was able to know the school news very well. Also, I was able to understand the issues I didn't know because editors organized and wrote various issues well to make them easy to understand. I will continue to read the articles in the KT, and I hope that the KT can always deliver good information to many people with various articles. Moreover, I hope that the KT will cover the launch of ‘Danuri,’ which I learned about Nuriho. Thank you.

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