KU Holds 36th 10·18 Literature Awards Ceremony
KU Holds 36th 10·18 Literature Awards Ceremony
  • 서주아 기자
  • 승인 2022.12.26 09:42
  • 댓글 0
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Kyungnam University held the 36th 10·18 Literature Awards Ceremony in the Main Building on the October 27. The 10·18 Literature Award, co-hosted by ‘Kyungnam University News and Press (Director, Prof. Jung Eun-sang)’ and ‘the Buma Democratic Uprising Memorial Association (Chairman, Seol Jin-hwan),’ has been held every year since 1987 to inherit the spirit of the Buma Democratic Uprising and create a healthy literary climate for students.

 In the poetry category, "Open Job" by Choi Ye-ji (Department of Media and Imaging, 4) was selected as the winning work, and "Covid Father" by Matkersimova Tamila, a student from Uzbekistan (Korean Literature Department, 4), was selected as the temporary work. In addition, Han Sang-min’s (History Department, 2) "Camellia of Snow" was selected as the winning work in the short story category, and Lim Yeon jung (Media and Imaging Department, 3) "Frame" was selected as the masterpiece in the essay category.

 Park Jae Kyu, president of Kyungnam University, said, "I congratulate and encourage all students who participated in the 36th 10·18th Literature Award," adding, "I hope this literary award will be a good opportunity for students to combine creativity and a challenging spirit, and I hope they will continue to work hard."

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