Unique Opportunities from KT
Unique Opportunities from KT
  • 경남타임즈(경남대학교)
  • 승인 2021.09.27 13:05
  • 댓글 0
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By O Jin-hwa
Department of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineering at Pukyong National University


I did not know about KT originally; but, thanks to my friend’s introduction, I read some of English articles from KT. After reading the articles, I thought they were valuable and informative. Through the articles, I thought about vaccine issues in various views by reading conflicting opinions on COVID-19 vaccines. Plus, I recently found out that the 61st ceremony was held to commemorate the March 15th Rally in Masan.

However, the most memorable article was introducing Anatole France’s wise quote “A person is never happy except at the price of some ignorance.” I was very impressed because this article reflects my current situation. These days, I could hear the news of my seniors getting a job and certificate through SNS. Whenever I heard the news, I envied them, not thinking about their efforts. However, after reading this article, I was able to think about the efforts they had made to achieve their goals. They gave me the drive to fulfill my commitments and feel happiness of achievement.

I did not have many opportunities to read English articles, so it was good to read articles written in English. I am also glad to leave my review on the articles. Thank you for giving me these unique opportunities. If I have a chance to read the next issue, I will not hesitate to read it.

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