2020 Academic Exchange Support Program for North Korean and Unification Studies by IFES
2020 Academic Exchange Support Program for North Korean and Unification Studies by IFES
  • 옥주원
  • 승인 2020.12.17 12:37
  • 댓글 0
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KT Co-editor

The Institute for Far Eastern Studies of KU held an orientation for the 2020 Academic Exchange Support Program for North Korean and Unification Studies on September 1, 2020. Six fellowship researchers and four master's and doctoral degree students from USA, UK, China, Russia, and the Netherlands were selected for this program.

In the welcoming address, Lee Kwan-sei, the director of IFES said, “The opening of the fellowship course and master's and doctorate courses in North Korean unification studies is to provide an opportunity for more systematic and intensive research, and IFES will continue to support the research process.” The main part was presided by Yu Young-soo, the director of IFES planning field. He received questions from the recipients and provided details on the major support offered during the period of their research and training. The participants also visited major facilities of the campus.

On September 24, IFES held a welcoming ceremony for the fellows and scholarship students of the 2020 Program. Lots of prestigious people attended the ceremony, including Park Jae Kyu, President of KU, Kim Sun Hyang, Chairperson of University of North Korean Studies, and Ahn Ho Young, President of UNKS. In the ceremony, President Park said, “We will spare no support to the researchers who have participated in the project in order for them to strive to contribute to the field of North Korean studies.”


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