Innovation in AI Search Engines: ChatGPT
Innovation in AI Search Engines: ChatGPT
  • 김태완 기자
  • 승인 2023.06.21 11:01
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ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI that specializes in conversation. The name "Chat" is short for "chatting," while "GPT" stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer." The free version of GPT-3.5 was released in November 2022, while the paid version, GPT-4, was released in March 2023. ChatGPT allows users to enter text in the chat window and engage in conversations. What sets it apart from other AI chatbots is its ability to answer questions and perform tasks in a wide range of fields, including thesis writing, translation, songwriting and composition, and coding.

The significance of ChatGPT

Until now, interactive AI often struggled to understand what people were saying. People don't always use perfect grammar and spelling, and there are wide differences in interpretation due to the nature of language. Humanlike conversations require cultural backgrounds and common sense that are difficult to replicate in AI, so the use of AI in conversation was extremely limited, except for short answers. However, ChatGPT has made significant advances in language learning and incorporates the best AI technologies. It remembers the context of previous conversations and has reached a level where it can almost understand rough language. Beyond just understanding, ChatGPT is highly versatile because it has more professional knowledge than most ordinary people. In addition to creative areas such as poetry, novels, job applications, and essays, ChatGPT is also reliable in answering questions related to professional areas such as code writing, law, and healthcare. If AlphaGo surprised the world with its ability to beat the best Go player, ChatGPT's greatest significance is that it is affecting real-life situations with its outstanding ability.

What are some areas where you can take advantage of ChatGPT?

ChatGPT can be used in various fields. It can replace many human tasks that involve repetitive work. ChatGPT, a natural language processing technology based on deep learning, can automate tasks such as data collection, organization, and error review. Humans can focus on more abstract tasks such as reviewing, making judgments, and giving orders. For example, if you need to collect data on a topic, you used to have to read through a lot of information, but now you can simply give orders to an AI, which can crawl and provide the necessary data. The process of writing headings for papers or reports is also simplified. Although the introduction may seem simple, it can be timeconsuming to collect keywords and refine the content. ChatGPT can assist in writing multiple drafts and help create a header, saving a lot of time. In the programming sector, ChatGPT can minimize trivial and repetitive coding, and computer engineers can focus on setting overall designs. In other words, AI can be used for any repetitive work, regardless of how advanced it is, and this technology has taken over many repetitive tasks from humans, increasing productivity. This will speed up the development of knowledge and technology, increase productivity with fewer human resources, and even enable AI-assisted art creation. ChatGPT can also be used in education, design, and digital marketing.

Problems with ChatGPT

While it is true that ChatGPT's technology is contributing greatly to the world's development, it is also important to recognize that there are potential problems that come with its use. Firstly, ChatGPT's learning data is limited, having been trained only on knowledge up until 2021. This means that errors may occur when it comes to the latest data, as the chatbot does not search for information in real-time but rather answers based on its learned data. Secondly, there is the possibility of cheating in the field of education and assignments. As ChatGPT has demonstrated the ability to write essays and papers containing a vast amount of expertise, more and more students are using it to submit assignments. This has become a source of concern, particularly in college settings. Thirdly, ChatGPT may provide misinformation. As AI chatbots learn vast amounts of information regardless of logic or truth, they infer the most appropriate answers in a given context. This means that if the data learned by ChatGPT contains incorrect information, it may provide incorrect answers. Fourthly, there are ethical issues and biases to consider. ChatGPT is likely to make gender-discriminatory or racist responses based on biases present in the learning data. There is also the possibility that it may be used for harmful purposes or infringe on individual privacy.

How far will universities allow ChatGPT?

The use of ChatGPT in universities has sparked controversy. While some universities allow its use for assignments and tests, others express concern about cheating. The technology's ability to engage in conversation and write documents has raised fears of ghostwriting and potential abuse in academic work. Recently, Seoul National University developed a tool with AI researchers on campus to prevent cheating using ChatGPT. However, many domestic universities have yet to establish countermeasures or programs suitable for addressing potential negative effects. As the development of ChatGPT and other generative AI technologies continues, the educational community must consider how to adapt. Traditional education focused on finding the "answer" to a problem, but now students must also learn how to ask the right questions. In the future, asking good questions may be more important than finding the answer itself.

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